Thursday, November 27, 2014

Essential oils recipes you can also prepare on your own.

Chamomile & Sweet Almond Oil; for the face, light and soothing oil, recommended to heal dry and sensitive skin.Anti-inflammatory,treats capillary fragility, helps calm eczema and allergic conditions. Reduce redness and evens the tone and color of the skin.

We find oils extracted from sweet almonds to be very effective and we recommend them for dry and even dehydrated skin. They also work very well to minimize the appearance of stretch marks and to heal different skin conditions. We recommend to to apply it onto skin with a soft massage using a warm and humid sponge.
We also suggest using sweet almond oils on the stomach and upper body during the 3th month of pregnancy. They may also be applied around  your arms and legs during a diet regime, to prevent stretch marks appearance, which once visible, are very difficult to eliminate. However, when stretch marks are still in their initial development stage—identifiable from their pink or red color— they can be still alleviated with regular application of sweet almond oils.

Lavender & Sweet Almond oil; Lavender (from Latin-lavare-to wash) is always been associated with cleaning and purification. Balances the natural ph of the skin, normalizes sensitive skin with blemishes. Mildly antiseptic helps prevent bacteria that cause acne and irritation, helps heal scars due to acne, and prevents blemishes.

Rosemary & Almond Oil; Rosemary has been traditionally used to stimulate oily and dull skin, refines the skin texture, reduces and purifies clogged pores, antiseptic quality helps the healing process of skin eruption caused by acne.
Sweet almond oil; emollient and highly nourishing traditionally used to prevent signs of aging and dehydration.
Mallow; healing, decongestant, helps prevent age lines and reduce eye swelling.

Rose is known for its antidiarrheal, purification, tonic and energizing properties. For topical use this plant is appreciated for its antiseptic, astringent and healing action. Rose again contains vitamin A, B, C, E, K, PP, tannins and pectin which are used for their astringent, healing and toning properties.
Blue Chamomile essential oil which soothes and calms irritation, relieves allergic reactions/Butcher’s Broom and Licorice which have gentle anti-redness and anti-inflammatory action that reduce redness and improve the tone of uneven blotchy skin/Hawthorn and Horse chestnut which stimulate and improve circulation with a special tonic effect on the capillaries, helping gradually strengthen and minimize visible ones.

The information provided on this site is for education purposes only and is not intended to assess, diagnose or prescribed for any medical condition. Always seek the counsel of a qualified health care practitioner for concerns.

What is the information source those tips come from?the answer is Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is the use of natural flowers and plants essential oil to enhance the health of body and mind. Essential oils are found in flowers, roots, leaves, bark, wood and resins.

The healing practice through the use of essential oils dates back in the history when Hypocrites claimed it as one of the most effective medicine of that time. The first reported case of essential oils based cure even occurred in ancient Egypt, where antiseptic natural properties of unguents were well known.
From Egypt and the Middle East, knowledge of the art of essential oils traveled to Greece, Rome and the Arab world. During the middle ages, alchemists were experts in essential oils extraction and healing formulas preparations.
During the 18th and 19th centuries essential oils continued to represent a major support for the healing system until they were replaced by synthetic drugs. In Europe aromatherapy has been recognized for many years as valuable therapy and it was indeed taught in medical schools.

Clinical studies show that inhaling the aroma of essential oils turns on the entire neuron-endocrine system, the neurological area which intimately affects our deepest emotion. The oils fragrance help re-establish harmony, either in the body’s physiology up to a mental emotional level, balancing our entire personality. Once absorbed through massage, essential oils penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin helping to relieve areas of congestion and improving the quality of our self regulating resources. Essential oils have properties that make them suitable for the maintenance and health of the skin, for personal hygiene, as well as to prevent unbalanced skin conditions. They also help protect cellular membranes from premature aging processes and  diffuse aromatic scents at home to perfume and disinfect. They also act to prevent a wide range of skin disorders associated with aging, resulting in long-lasting, positive effects.


“Since 1988,my work has been the testimony of an ancient tradition of Italian Herbalism in the U.S.”. “From a dream of quality, herbs and alchemy came a business.” - 

Ms Carmen Miraglia-Erbe founder

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